仁善心(1 / 1)

Mandy自从和老朋友们重新见面后,整个人陷入了一种迷幻状态,似乎她虽然在这个世界上好好地活着,但似乎有一半魂魄留在了某个遥远的,偏僻的,古早的,隔离的,陌生的,熟悉的时空里。 洛可嘉第一个察觉到她的迷离疑惑,似乎她总是在问,“我是谁”、“我为什么在这里”、“这是哪里”、“这些人都是哪来的”、“原来的我呢?” 走丢了…… 她的每一个微笑都在说,“我好困惑”、“我错了吗”、“我怎么办”…… 在孙先生拜访后第二天,Mandy摔了Nichole心爱的大熊猫勺子,第三天她忘了去接Oscar放学,第四天她忘了烧饭,那两天洛妈和洛老爹由热旺陪着去费城玩儿了。 洛可嘉忍无可忍,决定跟Mandy好好谈谈。 “You are not yourself these days.” said Lock, looking directly into her eyes. “I don't quiet follow you.” returned Mandy, turning the pages in front of her rather rampantly. “You wanted to find your lost self as a teenager, didn't you?” Lock was ruthless. “That's so untrue.” Mandy would not look at her husband in the eye. “Wanna a talk?”lock retreated a little bit but his grounds were firmly held. “They haven't changed much since we last saw one another.” at last Mandy decided to spill out all that was lingering on her mind——bearing the weight is wearisome. “They? Whom in the world do you refer to, those who are not ennabled to love or acquire a family?”Lock demanded. “Don't be so rude.” Mandy was finally cheering up a little bit. Lock laughed,“I bet most of them would trade what they possess for the life you are living, even if there is a handicapped man in the picture.” Mandy smiled for the first time,“Nonsense. How dare you.....” Lock picked up his mobile,“Minerva, how many photos of the kids have we got?” The AI popped up from nowhere on the screen,“Since you asked sir, the family album has taken up at least three quarters of the storage, which means there are over one thousand photos totally, and that seriously lagges the processing speed of the mobile. That's why I suggest deleting half......” “Thanks, Minerva. That's what I need to learn for the moment.”Lock nodded to the AI, as if she could see. Actully she did notice that, she waved back happily and was off. Lock said to Mandy as sincerely as possible,“I believe what you have already owned weighs much more than what you thought had lost.” Mandy lamented,“How do you know this is the best for me? I could have led another life.....”l “I don't think it's the right attitude for life. It seems you will always be regretting over your each and every choice or decision.” There was an edge to his voice, but he stayed cool,“Stop comparing with others' lives and stop moaning for more. The fisherman and his wife should have been contented with what they have received from the gold fish and they'd better not beg for more than they deserved.” Mandy remarked with a dangerous tone,“Are you telling me I don't deserve the best of life?” Lock sensed something,“Don't twist it. You know what I meant. You would never be able to figure out what the best is when you were sixteen.” Mandy murmured as if she had been in a dream,“How I wish to be sixteen again, care free.” Lock came nearer to her, and hugged her, leaving his wheelchair behind,“The point is, whatever happens to you, from now on to sixty or ninety, you will always have us.” Mandy burst into tears,“I have nothing except you and the kids. I feel cold. This world looks at me with vicious eyes.” “You can always count on us,” Lock promised,“I give you my word. There's no parting of us until one dies. Stay positive and cherish every minute.” Mandy leaned against Lock's shoulder, totally forgetting he should not have stood up and supported her weight.“I won't fall for it. They look as if worried for me but I guess they really enjoyed themselves seeing me almost crashed.” she looked at Lock and was suddenly startled,“I was almost taken in....... I shouldn't have told them how I broke down......I would never let them receive the wrong message as if my life were a joke.” “Don't over respond.” Lock said,“They are your friends, and they showed concerns about our life. The more pathetic we look, the funnier it would be when they know what we're really like.” “Yes, some of them did try to ruin my self-esteem and nearly convinced me to pity myself. How can one be so mean?” Lock suggested,“I've come up with an idea. Why don't we hold a party?” He hesitated,“Does any of them have a family?” “No, none of them do. People don't get married these days, I guess they are afraid to give commitments.” Mandy formed a smile as though she felt sorry for her friends. “So, that settles everything.” Lock smiled back,“We invite a bunch of kids.” “Do we know other kids besides those in Oscar's kindergarten?” Mandy asked. “Oh, of course we do,” announced Lock,“There are plenty of kids, Asian, Latino, and black in the children's hospital. This will be a fund -raising party for disabled children, and me as well.” Lock sat back into the wheelchair as quickly as his knees allowed to carry him, which amused Mandy like hell. “Since they are so kind, sure they don't mind donating some dollars for the good course?” Lock questioned. “That's really nice of you. All of my friends would be very thankful if they are offered a chance to show that they really care for the handicapped.” Mandy bit her lips, trying hard not to laugh. “I suddenly remember I have one or two acquaintances on the press.” Lock sneered,“They would die to see me on the move again.”

最新小说: 百万卢布 凚灵 黑焰蜥 签到百年,我已成为魔道巨擘 苍白徽记 九鼎之上 殇:重生之王 前行者的脚步 神女难传 青州千界