泽雨轩 > 经典短篇 > 纯原乡 > 第一百二十四章 春绿

第一百二十四章 春绿(1 / 1)

雨一直下,下着的是锈迹斑斑的,没有诗意可言的化学气味; 风也不断刮,带来因干涸而松散的,和沙尘也没什么两样的土壤。 楼房里的,照镜子化妆的姑娘,寂寞打着游戏的宅男,劳累了一天的工人,如此平凡的人们,表情没有掩饰,所以只有冷淡。 天色想抓住什么, 但漆黑转眼就吞噬一切, 勇气和星空,寄不到消息, 你的眼努力撑着笑容, 泛黄在凋秋之残念如雨 落乱披风狂流叶舞的感觉, 尽管这伤感转瞬即逝。 犹记得将名字埋在铁盒中,不让它透光的傻事,没人诉说也没人拥抱,因此四季在我眼里永远是冷色调的。 —— 那么多的审美和评论,没有界限的交错着,以为好的被被诋毁,厌恶的,却冉冉升起,唯有活着需要这样确定的信念,所以无意义的对抗,源于受伤的自尊,和继续存在的证明。 世界沉默着等待崩坏,而我只想描绘那冷冽春风,感受自然的气息—— 让那电光,抽离大地的生机,愿一切罪恶就此审判。 让我们早些结束这样灰暗的等待,让世界涅槃重生。 让生灵记起原始的呼吸,而非无止境的攀比。 自学会模仿,学习,创造,到头来只剩下玩笑话语气的否定。彼此的聊天这般苦闷,倒不如退化一些聪明,抛开那些大道理,似乎也能更快乐。 流过泪,受过伤,学会勉强的笑,然后承认无能,负重而行,妥协这无所不知的对立面,用所谓价值去定义生命,用别人描述的幸福来决定自由,没有人在意的自尊,来否定爱情。 伪善的世界,人们都小心翼翼的,聪明的不去拆穿,真实的不够好玩,因此要被抹灭,因此,以上的那些油腻的事物便继续孤立存在。 唯有三月的风雨,冷冽而真实。 《Real green》 很久很久的以前,绿色只是一种颜色。 云彩就是那么近,天空就是那么蓝, (这些明明曾经都是真实存在的) 车子和房子,也没有现在这么“廉价”, (现在却只存在于小时候我们画过的画里) 但是,我们曾无忧无虑地玩耍, 画着画,翻着跟头,将作业折成飞机。 乡村里,绿色的排排大树, 叶子好生茂盛, 花花草草自在长着,好些叫不上名来, 那里生长着夏日的蝉鸣; 河流常常涨溢,雨季总是很热情, 伙伴们喜欢去抓鱼, 秋天,是成熟的日子,黄红色树叶 真像童话里的思念,温柔覆盖泥土。 坡道处有单车碾过的痕迹, 秋天有萤火,星星总是多得数不清。 尽管有电视和收音机, 大人们更喜欢在外面乘着凉唠嗑。 是的,这是现在我描述着的事情,之所以还要回忆,是因为它正在被时代遗弃。 那些绿色的、清新的、鲜活的、随意的,不需要文学和艺术来赘述的简单事物,渐渐被一些繁杂无趣的东西取代, 或许回忆常常遗忘坏心情的内容, 但我们原本的快乐,的确 真实建立在那一片 鸟语花香的原始村落。 如果它还可以复制、还原, 我便不会写这些来试图讽刺什么。 孩子们也不会丧失了想象的快乐, 用尖尖画笔,去雕刻那些没有感情 也没有色彩的所谓艺术, 车子密密麻麻穿梭在拥挤的城市, 生活,却丢弃原本的自由。 英译版:(Once upon a time, green was just a color. The clouds are so close, the sky is so blue, (these were all real things) Cars and houses are not as cheap as they are now, (now it only exists in the paintings we painted when we were young.) But we used to play carefree, Painting, somersaulting, folding the work into an airplane. In the countryside, there are rows of green trees, The leaves grow well, Flowers and plants grow freely, many of them are not named, There grow cicadas in summer; The river often overflows, and the rainy season is always warm, My friends like to catch fish, Autumn is a mature day with yellow and red leaves It's like missing in a fairy tale, covering the earth gently. There are traces of bicycles running over the ramp, There are fireflies in autumn, and there are countless stars. Despite the TV and radio, Adults prefer to sit outside and chat. Yes, this is what I am describing now. The reason why I still want to recall it is that it is being abandoned by the times. Those simple things that are green, fresh, lively and casual, and do not need literature and art to repeat, are gradually replaced by some complicated and boring things, Maybe memories often forget the content of bad mood, But our original happiness, indeed The truth is based on that It is a primitive village full of birds and flowers. If it can also be copied and restored, I'm not going to write this to try to satirize. Children will not lose the happiness of imagination, With a sharp brush, to carve those who have no feelings There is no so-called art of color, Cars shuttle through crowded cities, Life, but abandon the original freedom.)

最新小说: 贝海拾珠 纯原乡 遇到梦 椿与冬 我的明恋是暗恋 从紫罗兰开始的无限穿越 不知风吹向何方 我们的故事清溪 小窦日记 亚橘的杂事