泽雨轩 > 都市生活 > 子色青春 > 第十八章 贵客来临

第十八章 贵客来临(2 / 2)

“No,who are you?”我实在忍不住的问了一句。

“I'm Ross Barney.”

“Barney? Why did you come here?”在场人都很惊讶,尤其是我,巴尼是我的偶像啊~今天终于可以见到活的了。

“ Who are you, zi xiang? I guess it should be you,


“Yes, it's me. What's the matter?”认真的盯着他,就怕这是假的。

“Your father, wrote a letter to me a month ago, let us protect you. ”对方看起来很轻松“Now it seems completely unnecessary”一副很潇洒的样子,说罢点燃了一支雪茄。

“You know my father, and tell me what he said to you?”听到关于我爸爸的消息,我就抓狂了,抓起巴尼的领子,满脸悸动。

“Please tell me this is very important to me.”

“Why don't you ask him yourself?”巴尼展现出一副不情愿的样子。

“Sorry, I was out of line. My father has died, just before the day before yesterday.”

“I am very sorry。”

“Nothing. Please tell me everything you know.”

“Come with me. I'll take you to a place.”

最新小说: 情感主播 阿林传 道主:从做梦开始 重生系统归来 家长里短之大狗二狗 文娱帝国 文娱万岁 浮庸行道难 光霞庄园 我真不想靠反串出名啊