泽雨轩 > 经典短篇 > 饮星河 > 941 杞人忧天

941 杞人忧天(1 / 1)

To lough is to risk appearing foolish. To weep is to risk appearing sentimental. To reach out for another is sto risk involvement. To expose feelings is to risk exposing your true self. To try is to risk failure. To live is to risk dying. But risks must be taken Because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing. The person who risks nothing, Does nothing, has nothing and is nothing. He may avoid suffering and sorrow But he simply cannot learn , feel, change, grow, love, or live. Chained by his opinions, he is a slave, He has forfeited freedom. Only a person who risks is free. ——《Risks》 没错,我们的确不能天天缩在自己的一方天地, 不要像契诃夫笔下的那个人,每日杞人忧天。 但是冒险和探险也要适度,安全第一。 9.07 听音乐,《懂你》,我最爱的歌曲之一。 经典老歌,百听不厌啊。 《Finding Balance》,旋律动人。

最新小说: 贝海拾珠 纯原乡 遇到梦 椿与冬 我的明恋是暗恋 从紫罗兰开始的无限穿越 不知风吹向何方 我们的故事清溪 小窦日记 亚橘的杂事