泽雨轩 > 经典短篇 > 饮星河 > 737 一位老人

737 一位老人(1 / 1)

Have you seen the old man in the closed down market, 你可曾见一位老人,在已经关门的市场, Kicking up the papers with his worn out shoes, 穿着破旧的鞋踢着废纸, In his eyes you see no pride, hand held loosely at his side, 他的眼中已无骄傲,手垂在身侧, Yesterdays paper telling yesterdays news, 报纸上只剩旧闻。 ——《The Streets of London》

最新小说: 贝海拾珠 纯原乡 遇到梦 椿与冬 我的明恋是暗恋 从紫罗兰开始的无限穿越 不知风吹向何方 我们的故事清溪 小窦日记 亚橘的杂事